Delivering Exceptional Service
and Outstanding Results
Every day, first responders, including EMTs, paramedics, EMS, volunteer ambulance and other emergency personnel are injured or killed in the line-of-duty. Most often, rescuers are injured when responding to emergency calls. Injuries or death can be caused by the careless, reckless, or negligent acts of others, including the City or municipality that employs you, civilians, or property owners. Frequently, injuries and death occur when a statute, rule, regulation, code, local law, or procedure is violated. Your compensation rights may not be limited to pension and disability benefits, workers’ compensation, and sick leave. You may be entitled additional compensation for you and your family, including damages for your pain and suffering, long term care, and lost future wages.
At O’Hare Parnagian, we are dedicated to helping injured first responders and their families. We know the difficulties families face when they are forced to survive financially on workers’ compensation, disability or pension benefits. Our experienced attorneys will thoroughly investigate your claim, build the strongest case possible, and hold all responsible parties accountable. We can provide you with representation in the following matters:
Because the law limits the time within which you or your family can bring a claim, you should contact us to investigate your case. Sometimes the law requires that you take immediate action to protect your rights.
Call us at (212) 425-1401, or contact us online to set up a consultation to discuss your legal options. One of our attorneys will respond to you within 24 hours.