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It is estimated that up to 15 million Americans suffer from food allergies. Whether a customer at a restaurant, consumer of packaged food items or a child at a daycare or school, food allergy sufferers should be able to rely upon promises and warranties provided by those providing them food that the food being provided is safe for their consumption. Too often, however, consumers are misled and failed by those providing them with food. Every 3 minutes in America a food allergy causes someone to need to attend the emergency department. That is over 200,000 ED attendances each year.
Children with peanut, shellfish and other potentially deadly allergies need to be carefully supervised around food. Parents rely on schools and childcare providers to ensure their child with allergies does not come into contact with an offending food, however these providers far too frequently, negligently, allow a child to consume such products. This can cause severe or fatal allergic reactions including asthma and anaphylaxis. Restaurant patrons with known food allergies go to great lengths trying to insure their own health when ordering food by asking staff the contents and warning them of their allergies, but are frequently let down by the restaurant, often with devastating consequences.
The CDC estimates that each year around 1 in 6 Americans (or 48 million people) fall ill, 128,000 are hospitalized, and 3,000 die due to food poisoning. Food poisoning is caused by foods containing foodborne organisms such as salmonella, E. coli, listeria, campylobacteriosis and staphylcocccus. Poor food preparation practices, deficient hygiene standards, cross-contamination, inadequate labeling and improper cooking and refrigeration practices can all lead to food poisoning.
If you or a loved one has suffered serious illness or wrongful death due to being served or provided food containing a known indicated allergen, or as a result of food poisoning, you should speak with an attorney about your rights to pursue a lawsuit.
The experienced New York food poisoning and food allergy attorneys at O’Hare Parnagian LLP have what it takes to identify the wrongdoer and bring a lawsuit on behalf of you or your loved one. We will tirelessly represent your interests and achieve the best outcome in your case. We know illnesses, medical conditions and wrongful death are traumatic and stressful and we are here to help you. Making a claim against a restaurant, retailer, manufacturer, school or day care is complex. Early investigation and gathering of information is critical. Where relevant, we recommend investigations and scientific testing as soon as possible on food samples to obtain evidence that the food was contaminated with a foodborne pathogen. We will thoroughly investigate your claim, build the strongest case possible, and hold all responsible parties accountable for your illness, your child’s illness, or the wrongful death of your loved one.
Because the law limits the time in which you can bring a claim, you should contact us immediately to investigate your case. Sometimes filings must be made within 90 days of the injury.
Call us at (212) 425-1401, or contact us online to set up a consultation to discuss your legal options. One of our attorneys will respond to you within 24 hours.