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and Outstanding Results
Property owners and occupiers are required to maintain their premises in a reasonably safe condition, which includes controlling the conduct of third parties for the protection of others. When bars and clubs do not adequately supervise patrons, if a patron causes personal injury, or death, the establishment may be held liable for those injuries. This includes liability to the victims of drunk drivers who leave the premises and cause injury while behind the wheel of a vehicle in a car accident.
In New York’s bars, clubs, restaurants and other licensed premises, the premises are obligated to monitor the alcohol consumption of patrons because intoxicated guests can become a dangerous condition on the premises. New York’s “Dram Shop” laws require that licensed premises do not serve a person who is obviously intoxicated or underage. Bars and clubs are also required to properly train and supervise bouncers and security staff and can be held liable for their actions if they cause injury during bar fights or while removing patrons from the premises.
The attorneys at New York’s O’Hare Parnagian LLP have extensive experience helping injured people, their families and the families of victims of wrongful death recover money for assaults and injuries suffered because of improper action and inadequate supervision at bars, clubs and other licensed premises. We will pursue claims against all responsible parties, including the owner of the licensed premises, the security company employed to guard the premises, and the staff that were responsible for making the premises safe. Incidents include:
Because the law limits the time in which you can bring a claim, you should contact us immediately to investigate your case. Sometimes filings must be made within 90 days of the injury.
Call us at (212) 425-1401, or contact us online to set up a consultation to discuss your legal options. One of our attorneys will respond to you within 24 hours.